姓名:熊子康 | 性别:男 | |
籍贯:湖北荆门 | 民族:汉族 | |
所在系:数理与金融统计系 | 教研室:数理统计教研室 | |
是否博导:否 | 是否硕导:否 | |
职称:讲师 | 现任职务:无 | |
电子邮箱:xiongzikang@zuel.edu.cn |
1)2012.09-2016.06: 中南民族大学统计系本科生,获理学学士学位
2)2016.09-2019.06: 华中师范大学统计系硕士研究生,获理学硕士学位
3)2019.09-2023.06: 华中师范大学统计系博士研究生,获理学博士学位
4)2023.07-至今: 中南财经政法大学, 2024欧洲杯买球平台, 讲师
1)Zikang Xiong, Yao Xiao*, Jianhui Ning, Hong Qin. Representative Points Based on Power Exponential Kernel Discrepancy. Axioms. 2022(11): 711.
2)Yao Xiao, Jianhui Ning*, Zikang Xiong, Hong Qin. Batch sequential adaptive designs for global optimization. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society. 2022(51):780–802.
3)Zikang Xiong, Wenjie Liu, Jianhui Ning*, Hong Qin. Sequential support points. Statistical Papers. 2022(63): 1757–1775.
4)Zili Liu, Zikang Xiong*. Non-marginal feature screening for additive hazard model with ultrahigh-dimensional covariates. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 2020(51): 1876-1894.
5)Zikang Xiong, Liwei Liu, Jianhui Ning*, Hong Qin. Sphere packing design for experiments with mixtures. Statistics \& Probability Letters. 2020(164): 108807.
6)熊子康, 刘力惟*, 宁建辉, 覃红. 混料切片试验设计. 系统科学与数学, 2020, 40(02): 262-274.
1)2021.6.5, 获得中国数学会均匀设计分会第十五届学术年会优秀论文一等奖