
讲座预告:GONG XIAODONG: Compatibility in personalities and non-cognitive skills, problem gambling and relationship dissolution in Australia


报告题目: Compatibility in personalities and non-cognitive skills, problem gambling and relationship dissolution in Australia

报告人GONG XIAODONG(澳大利亚堪培拉大学)



摘要: Relationship dissolution affects the wellbeing of individuals, particularly children.  We jointly model the duration of relationships and the time to birth of children for 10,827 partnered women over twenty years in Australia, focusing on personality, non-cognitive skills and the risk of problem gambling. We account for differences in partners' personalities, non-cognitive skills, education, age and linguistic background.  We apply Simulated Maximum Likelihood to a bi-variate duration incorporating non-parametric duration dependence, time-varying covariates, unobserved heterogeneity and correlation between outcomes.  Challenging personality traits, external locus of control, partner mismatch and problem gambling all contribute to shorter marriages.


报告人简介GONG XIAODONG是澳大利亚堪培拉大学商业、政府及法律学院,政治、经济及社会学系教授。他曾任职于德国劳动力经济研究所(IZA), 澳大利亚国立大学,及澳大利亚国库部。他的研究兴趣主要在个人及家庭的社会经济行为,涵盖劳动力市场,税收及转移支付,教育,家庭消费,等等。他的作品发表于包括Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Annals of Applied Statistics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Economic Development and Cultural Change, and the Economic Record等一系列国际期刊。

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